WisBlock Cores and Audio Processing Comparison Table


WisBlock Core Comparisons for Audio

WisBlock Audio supports a number of the WisBlock Cores. The table outlines a general comparison between the supported cores.

WisBlock Core Core Features Basic Support SD Card Recording (RAK18003) SD Card Playback (RAK18003) Edge Impulse (Sound Recognition) Cyberon License (Voice Recognition) Power Consumption
RAK4631 Nordic nRF52840 LoRaWAN (SX1262) BLE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Middle
RAK11200 Espressif ESP32 Wi-Fi Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Highest
RAK11310 Raspberry Pi RP2040 LoRaWAN (SX1262) Yes No No Yes No Lowest
RAK3372 STM32WLE5CC LoRaWAN (STM32WLE5) No No No No No -

Core Comparison

RAKwireless WisBlock Audio currently provides examples for two audio processing methods: Edge Impulse and Cyberon voice processing software. Edge Impulse allows you to create your own model to recognize any sound, whereas the Cyberon software only works with voice. Both require a model to be created in order for them to work. RAKwireless provides the model for the Cyberon voice processing software, but for the Edge Impulse, you will need to train the model and record all the training sounds (the more, the better).

For further details, see the tables on the following sections.

WisBlock Core Core Features Edge Impulse (Sound Recognition) Cyberon License (Voice Recognition) RAK18080 support (DSPg DBM10L) Power Consumption (Edge Impulse) Power Consumption (Cyberon) Power Consumption (Cyberon - RAK18080)
RAK4631 Nordic nRF52840 LoRaWAN (SX1262) BLE Yes Yes Yes 10.76 mA (19.7 mA max) 11.2 mA (20.6 mA max) 19.74 mA (39.83 mA max)
RAK11200 Espressif ESP32 Wi-Fi Yes Yes Yes 66.35 mA (96.2 mA max) 64.95 mA (107.5 mA max) 77.33 mA (118.06 mA max)
RAK11310 Raspberry Pi RP2040 LoRaWAN (SX1262) Yes No Yes 29.05 mA (39 mA max) N/A 41.30 mA (69.17 mA max)
đź“ť NOTE: Power consumption numbers are for reference (comparison) only. Your numbers will be different.

Model Comparison

Audio Processing Model Power Consumption Voice Recognition Generic Audio Recognition Pre-compiled Model Create Your Own Model Cost Effort Core Utilization
Cyberon Medium Good No Yes - RAK provided No Yes Low For testing
Cyberon on RAK18080 Highest Vest No Yes - RAK provided No Yes Low Low
Edge Impulse Lowest Model Dependent Yes No Yes Free/Paid High For testing

đź“ť NOTE:

  1. Cyberon is useable with lowest effort in implementation, but you need to use RAK provided model - trigger and command words.
  2. In terms of cost, Cyberon with RAK18080 is the most expensive.

Cyberon Model

The Cyberon Model is provided by RAKwireless and users cannot create their own models. If you are able to use the provided model, it is the easiest and fastest to implement. The Cyberon Model trigger and command list is provided in the table below. Refer to the samples for further information. If the RAKwireless provided model does not meet your requirements, RAKwireless can create new models for a fee for larger customers.

Triggers/Commands available in the Cyberon Model:

Group Trigger/Command ID
Triggers Hey RAKstar 1
Hey Helium 2
Hey RAK Cloud 3
Lights Turn Lights On 101
Turn Lights Off 102
Lights On 103
Lights Off 104
Turn Lights Up 105
Turn Lights Down 106
Dim Lights 107
Brighten Lights 108
Lights Color Lights Red 109
Lights Blue 110
Lights Green 111
Lights Yellow 112
Lights Orange 113
Lights Pink 114
Lights White 115
Music Play Music 201
Stop Music 202
Previous Song 203
Next Song 204
Volume Up 205
Volume Down 206
Stop 207
Pause 208
Next 209
Resume 210
Previous 211
Volume Up 212
Volume Down 213
Increase Volume 214
Decrease Volume 777
WisDM Connect 301
Disconnect 302
Report Location 303
Get Status 304
Report Battery 305
Report Environment 306
Reset 307
